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By: admin noviembre 18, 2021

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officially shut down. You’re working from home, while watching your kids (and trying to teach them). You haven’t seen or hugged your loved ones in weeks.

To effectively navigate them. During such a painful, unprecedented time, it’s natural to get sucked into worst-case-scenario thinking. And it doesn’t matter how many times you reassure yourself that everything will be fine, you only end up feeling worse.


It also can help to remind yourself that these catastrophic thoughts aren’t “expressions of facts,” Rajaee said. Rather, they’re “expressions of fear”—our brain’s way of trying to protect us, she said.

How do we tackle the water crisis?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. This makes sense. “We are in a catastrophic situation, so some level of catastrophic thinking feels appropriate,” said Jenn Hardy, Ph.D, a psychologist with a private practice in Maryville, Tenn. “The last thing that our anxiety needs to hear is some type of patronizing and dismissive reassurance.” Instead, Hardy suggested acknowledging that your concer

psychologist with a private practice in Maryville, Tenn. “The last thing that our anxiety needs to hear is some type of patronizing and dismissive reassurance.” Instead, Hardy suggested acknowledging that your concer

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